Area Agency on Aging

A Link To Services For Older Adults And Their Caregivers


Whether you are an older adult yourself or a caregiver concerned about the well-being and independence of an older adult, The Area Agency on Aging (AAoA) is ready to help.

Area Agencies on Aging (AAoA) were established under the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1973 to respond to the needs of Americans aged 60 and over in every local community. The AAoA plans, coordinates, and offers services that help older adults remain in their home if that is their preference, aided by services such as Meals-on-Wheels, homemaker assistance, and other programs needed to make independent living a viable option. By making a range of options available through contracts with both public and private groups, the Area Agency on Aging (AAoA) makes it possible for older individuals to choose the services and living arrangements that suit them best.


AAA Contracted Services


Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Colorado has partnered with GetSetUp to provide FREE interactive online classes to older adults to get equipped with technology and stay connected


Aging and Disability Resources for Colorado (ADRC)

ADRCs provide options counseling for older adults and their caregivers to help provide guidance and insight on what programs and long-term support services would best benefit the individual.  Additionally, they provide vouchers to help pay for Chore, Homemaker, Dental, Glasses, Health Equipment, Hearing Aid, Personal Emergency Response Systems, and Respite assistance.

  • Garfield County
    • 970-625-5282 ext. 3263 or 970-379-1451
  • Mesa County
  • Moffat & Rio Blanco Counties
    • Covered by Garfield County 970-625-5282 ext. 3263 or 970-379-1451

Evidence-Based Disease Prevention & Health Promotion Programs

Legal Services for Older Adults

Ombudsman Program

Advocates for residents residing in assisted living residences and nursing facilities,

Nutrition Programs

State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)/Medicare Counseling

  • Moffat & Rio Blanco Counties
    • NW SHIP 970-819-6401


  • Mesa County
    • Hilltop’s ADRC Supporting our Seniors 970-248-2746, Option #2
  • Moffat County
    • Moffat County Housing Authority 970-824-3660

Older persons, their caregivers, or anyone concerned about the welfare of an older person can contact their Area Agency on Aging for information and referral to services and benefits in their community.

For information, please call:

Heather Jones
(970) 248-2717 or

A toll-free hotline also provides nationwide information about assistance for older individuals wherever they may be in the country. That number is (800) 677-1116. (When calling, please provide the older person’s address as well as their zip code.)



Find out more about the Colorado State Unit on Aging.


Click below for Reports:

Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging

Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults