AGNC EDD Economic Newsletters (EcoDevo Reports)

The AGNC Economic Development District has partnered with Dr. Nathan Perry, Associate Professor of Economics at Colorado Mesa University, to publish economic newsletters for the counties within the AGNC EDD.  Mesa County will be published quarterly, while Garfield, Rio Blanco, Moffat and Routt Counties will be published twice yearly.  Below you will find the economic newsletters.  You can also access the latest newsletters, access archived newsletters, and subscribe to receive future newsletters at the CMU website here:

Mesa County

It is only through the generous funding of our EDD memberships that we can provide important updates such as these.  Please consider becoming a member of the AGNC EDD.  You can find out more about membership levels here:

We hope you will find this information useful and we look forward to your continued support of the AGNC EDD.  Thank you!